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Gas Line Installation
Cost Report

Cost of Gas Line Installation

The cost of installing a gas line will increase or decrease based upon a number of factors. Whether you are installing a gas line for a fireplace or an oven, here are a list of factors that will impact the cost:

1. Proximity to Main Gas Line. In most cases, the gas company will install access to the main gas line free of charge. They will set up the meter and you will likely have to pay a small fee to initiate service. If this is not a free service through your gas company, the distance from the main line to your home will affect the cost of installation. The longer the line, the more you should expect to pay. Also, if installation requires a significant amount of excavation, the cost of labor will increase.

2. Appliance location. You can expect to pay roughly $15-30 per linear foot to bring the gas line from the main source to the necessary appliance. As an example, installing gas in the upper floor of your home may be a more expensive project.

3. Permit inspections. When installing a gas line, there may be an additional cost for a permit inspection. Gas lines should always be installed by licensed professionals to ensure safety.

4. Rural areas. People who live in more remote areas should expect to pay more for gas line installation than customers in more highly populated areas. Additionally, winter construction will likely cost more than other seasons.

5. Possible obstructions. There will be an additional cost to install gas lines whose path must cross any natural or manmade obstructions.

6. Pipe material. Gas can be delivered through a variety of different pipes. Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) is a semi-flexible option with a plastic or PVC exterior that is usually yellow. Galvanized copper and steel pipes may also be used when installing a gas line. Different localities have different regulations for which materials are allowed.

7. Existing pipes. It may be necessary to cap old pipes when installing a new gas line or changing the pipe material.

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ProMatcher Staff, ProMatcher
Orlando, FL 32803

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